General Therapy

"Start making yourself at home in your life as it is."
- Maggie Smith (poet)

Relax into your authentic self

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General Therapy

Grief and loss

Grief is more than denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Grief is a new way of being, one you likely didn’t choose. Find the support you need to walk through this new world.

Anxiety and worry

Struggling to focus or to rest? Learn how to tend to your worries like a wild garden so you can be free to enjoy your life.

Spiritual seeking

Whether you are new to the idea of faith, recovering from a painful religious experience, or just-plain curious, find the space to explore your hopes, your doubts, and your connection to something larger than yourself. Note: this work is expressly non-denominational. Your higher power could be Jesus, Allah, Mother Nature, love, or some slippery, elusive idea you have yet to see clearly.

Family relationships and friendships

Experiencing pain, tension, or difficulty in an important non-romantic relationship? Learn from the tension you are experiencing, re-build connection, and find a path forward that feels good and true to you.


Do you have a voice in your head who says you are no good? You’re too much, or maybe not enough? Learn how to care for that voice so you can open yourself up to comfort, joy, and peace.